Connect Shark Robot To New WiFi

How To Connect Shark Robot To New WiFi​: A Complete Guide!

Buying a Shark robot vacuum cleaner can significantly lower the burden of home cleaning activities. These efficient devices automate your regular floor cleaning tasks through their smart features and advanced technology. However, to use this device, you need to connect to the wifi network first. But, if you face issues with the current wifi, then you switch to a new one. Thus, to control its functionalities, you must learn How To Connect Shark Robot To New WiFi​ proficiently. To know further details about this procedure, read this guide!

Understanding the Need For the Shark Robot Connect To New WiFi​?

However, connecting the Shark robot vacuum to the available wifi network is the basic configuration step to make the most of it. But, sometimes users face issues related to it such as poor or no internet connection. 

Therefore, to alleviate these issues, you need to connect the robot to a new wifi. To do so, you need to remove your device from the app or reset it.  After that, you must know How To Reconnect Shark Robot To New WiFi​ to bring your robot to the normal functioning mode.

How To Connect Shark Robot To New WiFi​ Step-By-Step?

Moreover, having a stable wifi connection is paramount for hassle-free home cleaning via Shark robot vacuums. If you face any issues with your current wifi network, then switch to another wifi network. So, jump into the below processes to perform this wifi​ configuration:

Stepwise Instructions to Connect Shark Robot To New WiFi

SharkClean app
  • Initially, download and install the SharkClean app first on your phone.
shark robot create an account
  • Then, open the app and create an account on it.
  • If you are an existing user, use your registered email and password to log in.
  • After logging into the Shark Vacuum, visit its dashboard.
  • Then, go to Settings>Robots> select your robot and tap Delete Robot.
  • Further, select Set up a new Shark from the Settings menu.
  • Now, place the wifi router nearby to your robot and confirm your robot is added to the app.
Add new device
  • Otherwise, tap on the ‘Add a new device’ option from the home screen.
  • Now, the app searches for available devices and selects your Shark vacuum robot.
  • Hereon, press & hold the Clean and Dock buttons concurrently. 
Join wifi
  • On the next screen, you will see the available wifi networks. Tap ‘Join’.
enter password
  • Select any preferred wifi network and enter its password.
shark robot connected to wifi
  • Wait till the robot is connected to the wifi.
  • Finally, your device connects to the chosen wifi network.
  • Now, access the Shark vacuum settings on your smartphone to elevate your home cleaning experience. 
  • Ultimately, you have learned How To Reconnect Shark Robot To New WiFi​.

On the Whole

Finally, you have learned the complete process of How To Connect Shark Robot To New WiFi​ easily through this guide. Moreover, this post also teaches you the need for switching to a new wifi. This is to say that, you will now be able to automate your home cleaning via the stepwise instructions mentioned in this guide.

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